Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yipee! It's the Harry Potter month!

After two years of waiting all the Harry Potter fans will be finally rewarded on 21st July. The most awaited book in the world Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will roll out in a festival like opening ceremony. Being a great Harry Potter fan, only I know how is it to wait for a book. Each passing day, is making the wait all the more tougher.

As I have written before, there a few mysteries which J.K. Rowling has to unravel. For instance, in the third year Harry helped Peter Pettigrew, who then escaped Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Later Dumbeldore explained Harry that when a wizard helps another one, there is a certain bond which forms between them. So this bond is yet to be explained by the author. Another point is that whether there has been any chemistry between Severus Snape and Lily Potter. I am an avid Harry Potter fan. So I constantly keep in touch with sites like The Leaky Cauldron and Veritaserum. There I got to know that some rumours were strife about the two. I have been thinking about visiting this site called It is supposed to be good.

And there are some trash websites too. is one such site. Even to think about Dumbledore not being dead is ridiculous. It is very well known that some authors go to any extent to revive ceratin important characters deemed dead long ago. But Dumbledore was killed using an Unforgivable Curse- Avada Kedavra. He clearly dies and is thrown down the Astronomy Tower. So such theories like he is not dead and then to support them by showing logical fallacies is balderdash.
Besides, the journey of Harry potter becomes most perilous. He may be accompanied by Ron and Hermione. But it requires high amount of mettle to threaten him, nevertheless. Snape has to definitely help him out. Otherwise, it is nearly impossible with all these dark curses surrounding Horcruxes. Oh! I am just holding my breath.

There is another surprise too. The fifth installment in Harry Potter movie series is realeasing world-wide on 13th of this month. Perhaps, due to double bonanza I have coined this month, The Harry Potter month. Anyway, never in the future a book and a movie are going to be released together. I will miss it so much. There will be a tiny void in my heart for this great legend. Through these years I have come to admire this hero so much that it is impossible to think about an existence without him.

I hope that history repeats itself, sometime in the future and there comes another great being as Harry Potter.